2025 - new address:
C. de la Duquesa de Parcent,56,bloque 82
Latina, 28047 Madrid
Open by appointment
w/ weecolors at Systema, Marseille
Sway Foul
w/ Antonia at Galeria Belmonte, Madrid
where do the clouds go
w/ Aaron Amar Bhamra & Raphael Pohl at Galerie le Carceri, Kaltern
Blown Blossoms
as part of sekretas at Grazer Kunstverein, Graz
Tempest Gourmand
w/ Pedro Herrero Ferrán at Haus, Wien
A voice can only break a glass
that already has a crack in it
w/ Hrefna Hörn Leifsdóttir
colofonia liquida y saliva
w/ María Nolla Mateos
Moodring II
w/ PZI
Gruß aus der Küche